Many children may start screaming non-stop. Around 24 months of age, transforming our children. “I don’t want to sleep”, he shouts at you when you go to put him to bed, “I don’t like it”, every time it’s time to eat, “I’m alone” when you’re going to cross the street, “its mine” if his brother reaches a toy… they ask for things by shouting, protests and get angry constantly, they challenge you, they cry uncontrollably, they hit others, they are stubborn, they don’t obey or listen, and when we stop him from doing something he explodes in a tantrum.
In the middle of the street, writhing on the ground, in a sea of tears, confronting their parents and other children in the park. their parents and other children in the park.
Many times, our little ones push us to the limit, and in some situations it is not easy to stay calm. We may be tempted to put ourselves at his or her level, and shout louder than him or her to win the battle.
Successfully overcoming tantrums in 2 and 3 year old children is possible if you know how.
Discover specific strategies and guidelines that will allow you to maintain control in conflictive situations and techniques to establish limits at home.
It is very important to control your own emotions, it will be one of the strategies that will help you, talk about basic rules that we must keep in mind whenever we discipline our children.

- We all have responsibilities: we must teach them from a young age that their contribution is important.
- Respect is mutual. It is important from the beginning to set a good example.
- Teach them that life is not always fair. Waiting for a turn, sharing toys, feeling disappointment or some other situation that may cause discomfort.
- Consistency is key. Being constant and firm regarding the norms and rules you set is very important.

We must maintain these guidelines:
- Do not give in
- Calm down
- Listen and explain
- Analyze the cause
- Coordinate
Tantrums, no matter how different the cause, are eradicated by directing behavior towards a more adaptive and healthy emotional expression.
Some strategies for these cases are:
- Prevent
- Reward
- Ignore
- Let go
- Reinforce the positive
- Give them other options so they feel like they can choose.
Courtesy of Precious Moment Child Care