


Child development skills necessary for children’s success when participating in groups

This activity stimulates motor skills, the senses and develops emotional intelligence through creative expression.

Benefits of the activity for 5 year old children

Creativity and imagination, social and emotional development self-concept, develops positive self-esteem

Expresses themselves creatively through movement and art.

We have observed that when the activity is about art, children pay more attention and their socialization with their peers flows positively while they learn new things.

Children will transition to the learning experience as the colors mix with red and yellow colors to get a different color when mixed together, and give the instructions on how we will make the playdough step by step.

Art, creativity, and Preparation of Playdoh


  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • ¾ of water
  • 2 tablespoon of oil
  • 2 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 drop of food coloring

We use wheat flour, oil, salt, water and the food coloring red and yellow and mix it to get an orange color.


Activities for the development of children from 0 to 5 years old

“For children in general, and for small children, in particular, the auto-start game is the mode learning basics. Through this kind of play, children create new experiences of learning that otherwise they will not find.”

Dr. David Elkind


  • Make movements using the small muscles from hands, wrists and fingers


  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Brushes


  • Make music with the body
  • Experience sounds with the mouth
  • Play age-appropriate musical instruments

Dramatic play

  • Children adapt various roles
  • Standing alternately in one or the other point of view
  • Through dramatic games children play representing characters, situations or things


  • Children make observations through nature
  • Collect information
  • Ask questions
  • Use logical thinking to reach a conclusion


  • Counting and numerical value
  • Mathematical operations
  • Data measurements

Use of tv, video, and/or computers/tablets

  • They are resources for education
  • No more than one hour each day
  • Supervised by an adult

Promoting acceptance of diversity

  • Institutionally, diversity will be oriented towards valuing
  • Acceptance
  • Design educational strategies that allow teachers to address functional diversity in the initial education room

Activity reading with muppet for children 3 year old

Developmental skills listening, understanding, responding and communicating with others.

Language development and comprehension communication

Development of listening and responding.

Use: animal books and muppets where children can compare the book.

  • Books the bear and the wolf
  • Muppet of a bear
  • Learning experience teaching sequence
  • Assembly and arrangement of materials and equipment

Reading is an activity where children are invited by themselves to participate and imitate their peers, striving so that they can achieve more vocabulary when communicating.
