


Learning activity for children 3-5 years old

Exploration with nature.

Courtesy of Precious Moment Child Care

Outdoor activities with children help in all learning areas. Through outdoor activities, it helps stimulate the brain to new thoughts and knowledge in children, as well as self-esteem. There’s a lot of different activities that we can perform where children can feel through games and exploration with nature.

Playing with sand helps very restless children. It helps them concentrate, to calm and share with other children and socializing helps children to be resistant to allergies and diseases, since the contact with nature stimulates the immune system of young children.

Sand play allows cognitive development, fine motor skills, when they are playing with sand, grabbing the shovel and putting sand in a cube, grabbing the cube to turn it around,they are strengthening their muscles and developing their fine motor skills. jumping on top of a castle favors thicker skills. They are discovering and learning through their senses. Develops their creativity: this type of free games makes children express themselves through sand games without any structure. Their imagination and creativity are encouraged with games not gifts.

Develop social skills: when there’s more than one child playing with sand, they will surely have the opportunity to develop their social skills. Interaction is vital and in this way children learn to take turns, share cubes, and express themselves in the same way they will be using vocabulary. It is a good time to reinforce it.

Cognitive development: with many games in the sand we can work on mathematical concepts (which cube has more sand or less), learn how to write their names in the sand, making geometric shapes, solving problems, is part of the game and at the same time their mind is working and learning, preparing themselves for a future education.

Immune system development: there are studies that show that children who play outdoors, with elements from nature (sticks, leaves, rocks…) are more healthy than children that are raised in closed environments and too sanitized. A little bit of dirtiness in their lives helps in their immune system development making them less vulnerable to disease.

Courtesy of Precious Moment Child Care

Activity for children 3 to 5 years old

Dramatic play/ the kitchen

It’s an activity where young children acquire multiple developmental skills.

Children have their own imagination

Recommendations: participate actively with them.

Encourage other children to join the game.

Skills they develop through this activity:

  • Social and emotional development
  • Social fitness
  • Will engage in interaction and play with others
  • Listening and comprehension
  • Listen and respond to communication with others
  • Follow instructions that are very complex

We will be using:

  • Recipe book for children
  • The toy kitchen
  • Kitchen utensils toys
  • Toy eggs and fruits
  • Flour and water
  • Toy cake
  • Cooking aprons

Benefits to play with blocks

Playing with building blocks at any age is beneficial.

Game with blocks. Apparently simple,

While children play they fully develop.

Through block play, children have the opportunity to have mathematical and spatial learning. This is achieved when the child collects and feels the angels by square curves of wood or plastic. With the shape blocks in circles and triangles, they are learning what shape and proportion they have. With the green and red blocks, they can notice patterns and compare different features. Children usually build towers that sway, this is where the principle of physics and support come into play.

Mathematical thinking. A set of different size blocks and color can lead the little ones to the need to create sequences, classify them, group them.

Imagination and creativity. There are two types of blocks or bricks; those that arrive in mixed packs without instructions, and those that arrive with instructions to build a specific model. In any case, both can be used to let the imagination run wild and for children to build whatever they want, without limits.

Colors, forms, and numbers. With these type of blocks, when children are young they can learn colors, shapes, and even numbers. Also, if you write numbers on the side, you can have fun doing simple operations like addition and subtraction.

Motor skills and cognitive development. Since they hold the pieces when they are very young, they are already promoting hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills when it comes to fitting the pieces together. As they grow, they engage their gross motor skills as well, as they move to create bigger and taller buildings.

Spatial reasoning. Trying to make constructions, children begin to develop imagination as well as acquire spatial vision and recognize the concepts of big, small, above, below, geometric shapes, etc.

Learning concepts. Mathematics such as symmetry, resistance, hardness or how they can be placed while maintaining balance. They are unisex, there is no gender difference. The blocks attract the attention of both boys and girls, they serve everyone, promoting equality with toys and the game itself. Boys and girls can play at the same time even if some are building houses and the other cars.

Social abilities. When played in a group, it helps children to communicate with each other and interact with other children, teamwork when building activities and games or simply improving sociability by sharing space and playing.
